This is where you build the photo plan for your event. This can not be changed later, so if you need to modify it, we recommend creating a new photo event.
The Photo plan is automattically crreated based on the information entered here
The Date #
This is the day on which the photo event will take place
Start time #
This is the time when the first person is available to have their portrait taken. Remember when booking the photographer that there must be time for the photographer to set up any equipment.
Slot length #
How much time should be available for each person in front of the camera. We recommend no less than ten minutes, as it takes time to get comfortable and confident during the shoot and to try a few different poses/adjustments.
End time #
This is the time when the photographer can stop taking pictures and start packing any equipment.
Breaks #
…are important and they can be added and changed after the photoplan has bee created, by clicking on the “Assign time slots” menu item.